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What people say about us
Sandra Jones

“What an amazing source of ideas for tourists and photographers! I absolutely love this website where I can learn about the most exotic destinations and various tours! Well done guys, thank you!”

Sandra Jones

Photographer - London
Natalie Madison

“Summer vacations are impossible now without your beautiful blog advice! I get inspired every time I’m on this website, and all of my trips are planned according to your tips! Thanks a lot for help”

Natalie Madison

Designer - Oslo


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Museo Scientifico Speleologico
della Grotta Gigante
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/A
Sgonico-Zgonik (TS)

Centro visite della Riserva Naturale
Regionale della Val Rosandra
Bagnoli della Rosandra-Boljunec 507
San Dorligo della Valle-Dolina (TS)

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